
Things you should know…

04 September 2009

All right, because I am very unclear on my instructions for this course, I’m going to post a sticky here that explains the general method to my madness, so that any corrections can be made if necessary.

From now on, you can find a list of my assignments for IT Fundamentals here. They are arranged chronologically, from newest to oldest (that is, newest at the top, oldest at the bottom) and numbered appropriately. All of my book work, LAP activities and Lynda.com quizzes can be found there. I may or may not still post them here – depends on if I have the time.

All work is being run through the W3C Validator due to the fact that I have found numerous flaws and inconsistencies in both material given in assignments and material given in the book. As I was told that ALL work must validate as XHTML 1.0 Strict, I have added the appropriate tags (meta declarations, extra paragraph tags and miscellaneous other additions/corrections) to make the documents validate. I apologise if this was not what we were supposed to do.

My contact information can be found here or a comment can be left either on this post or in my Blackboard inbox on Professional Enhancement if something here is not correct and needs to be amended.

Thanks for your patience,
Brittany Roxanne ♥

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